Why Is My Toilet Tank Sweating?

Toilet tanks usually sweat as a result of too much humidity in the bathroom. To reduce the likelihood of toilet tank sweat, take steps to lower the humidity in the bathroom, including regularly running air conditioning units or dehumidifiers, which will help reduce condensation on the toilet tank.


Estimating the Cost of a Bathroom Remodel

While bathroom remodels have some of the highest ROI of any home renovation, costs can quickly escalated for this type of project. Factors impacting the cost of a remodel include room size, shape, number of fixtures, and changing the layout. Higher-end fixtures and finishes also increase the cost. Learn ways to save money and still get the look you want.


The Cost to Replace a Furnace

When replacing a furnace, consider the furnace type, local climate, price, house square footage, and how your home is insulated to select the best model. Depending on the type selected, the total replacement cost will vary based on materials, equipment, and labor.


How Much Does Water Heater Replacement Cost?

The average cost for water heater replacement is anywhere from $811 to $1,566 depending on the type and size of the water heater. Installation and labor costs will also affect the overall price of water heater replacement. Learn more about costs to replace this appliance.

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